Welcome to Spa Doc Well

Learn more about what we do

Wellness inside equates to a radiant exterior. We are here to guide you to the path of health and wellness.

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Spa Doc Well

Wellness is not a chore.  You do not have to go it alone. We are here to provide guidance.

Learn to sleep better, eat better, and just be better!

woman sitting on seashore

Meet Your Spa Doc and Monat Market Partner

Wellness Professionals are here to guide you along the way.

Wellness Partner

Marie Lynne Eloi-Stiven, MD is your wellness partner.  She is an expert in health and wellness. In addition to having her own company she is a Market Partner for Monat Wellness Products. Ask her how to become a VIP Customer at Monat.

Product Gallery

Wellness starts with Spa Doc Well and Monat

Monat Wellness Products are Naturally Based, vegan, and cruelty Free!

Monat Sleep Drops

Monat Greens

Monat Energy

Monat Wellness Products

Monat Balance

Monat Collagen Key


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